Lauren Campion
Self Mastery Guide and Kundalini Yoga Instructor
Sense of Self
I wanted to know the truth about everything that happened to me and in my life.
I chose love and truth.
I don't ever want to be in the dark about anything again.
And to be able to do it completely my own way.
A way that makes sense to me, while giving others the freedom to be able to do it in a way
that makes sense to them.
To become completely balanced in my Masculine and Feminine energies.
To be completely locked in to my Self.
My Sense of Self
This is the work we are, be and do.
This is how we get permission to freedom, authenticity, Integrity, love, truth, genuine human connection, respect, unity, and every other value that allows us to be our whole selves.
The benefits are whatever you need them to be the most, for you.
Find what that is, for yourself.
The truth
I hold conversation very sacred. Communication is sacred to me.
My connections with people are sacred.
I treat them as such.
Everything is Sacred to me.
Every interaction is met with intention, purpose and energetic, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical guidance.
This is how I relax into myself, calm and comfortable as my whole self.
Anchored into my Sense of Self and The Embodied Self, through Holistic Hypnotherapy, Kundalini Immersion, and Sacred Wound Alchemy - I create Ticket to Freedom.
I am